The Life Span Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

The Lifespan Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

3 Safety Tips to Prepare for Your Puppy's First Hiking Trip

by Leonard Wallace

Are you an avid hiker who can't wait to take your new puppy out on all your favourite trails? Hiking can be a fun and enriching activity for dogs, as long as it's done safely. Here are 3 safety tips you should follow when preparing for that first hiking trip.

Wait Until the Time is Right

When it comes to hiking with your puppy, it's important that you don't begin too early. Exercise is crucial for growing dogs, but as with anything, too much exercise can be harmful. Long, steep trails can be too strenuous for a young puppy's developing system, leading to growth-plate injuries that can cause permanent deformity and mobility issues. To determine the exact right age for your puppy to begin hiking, it's best to consult with your vet regularly on how your dog's body is developing. As a general rule, small-breed puppies can usually begin hiking at around a year old, while large breeds may need to wait a year and a half.

Get Dog Vaccinations

One of the most important things to do before taking your puppy out hiking is to make sure they have their dog vaccinations. In Australia, there are 3 core vaccines that vets recommend for all dogs: canine distemper, canine parvovirus, and canine adenovirus. While your dog can contract these illnesses anywhere, they can be even bigger risks on wild hiking trails where infected wildlife, soil and water sources are found. There are also other non-core vaccines which your vet may recommend if you're an avid hiker. There is a vaccine for leptospirosis, for example—a dangerous bacterial illness which dogs can contract from drinking contaminated water while hiking. 

Assemble a First Aid Kit

Just as you should carry a first aid kit for yourself when hiking, you should carry one for your puppy too. Due to steep, uneven trails and wild foliage, dogs are more likely to get injured on hiking trails than they are on a regular walk. And, if your puppy does get hurt, it could take you a long time to get back to civilisation and seek veterinary attention. Having a first aid kit to hand will ensure that you can keep your dog safe in an emergency until you can get to a vet's office. At minimum, your puppy first aid kit should include antiseptic saline, rubber gloves, bandaging materials, and a foil blanket in case of shock. This will help you treat a variety of injuries, from cuts to falls, and prevent infection or worsening of symptoms.


About Me

The Lifespan Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

I never had the opportunity to have a pet when I was a child because my family moved around a lot. So, when my kids begged to get a dog, I was super excited. However, not knowing anything about the care of canines, I had to do a lot of research to make sure we kept our puppy healthy. This blog is all about the vet side of taking care of dogs. From annual vaccinations to what signs should trigger an emergency vet visit, I wanted to make sure that all new dog owners are aware of how important regular vet care is when it comes to raising a pet.
