The Life Span Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

The Lifespan Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

5 Signs of Dehydration to Watch Out for in Your Cat

by Leonard Wallace

There are plenty of reasons why your cat might become dehydrated. These reasons can include anything from overconsumption of dry food to overheating during the summer. However it happens, dehydration is always a cause for concern. Your kitty will be low on important electrolytes as well as water, and dehydration can sometimes be the first sign of a more serious issue.

With that in mind, here are just five common signs of dehydration to watch out for in your cat.

1. Lethargy

If you've ever been dehydrated yourself, you'll understand how weak it can leave you. Your cat will be feeling just as bad if they get dehydrated. Instead of running around the house, they'll be more likely to show signs of lethargy. Of course, cats are usually quite happy to laze around, so test this by trying to play with them to see if they react normally.

2. Skin Tenting

Most cats love to be pet, so carrying out this little test should be easy. Next time you're giving them a fuss, pinch a bit of skin where it's loose around the shoulders and pull it up. It should go straight down if your cat is hydrated. If it stays up in a tent shape or returns to position slower than normal, your cat is dehydrated.

3. Dry Gums

Most cats don't like you opening their mouths and checking their gums, but you should give this a try if you suspect they aren't adequately hydrated. If they are, the gums should be pink and moist. If you press on their gums, the area should go pale and then go back to pink fairly quickly. If the gums are dry or sticky and don't return to pink after being pressed, your cat is probably dehydrated.

4. Elevated Heartrate

Whether you're a feline or a human, being dehydrated means the amount of blood circulating through your body decreases. This means your heart needs to pump faster, which is why you'll often start feeling dizzy when you haven't taken in enough water. When you're holding your cat, pay attention to how hard its heart is beating. If the rate seems elevated, your kitty could be dehydrated.

5. Hard, Dry Stools

No, looking through your cat's litter box probably isn't your favourite thing in the world, but it could be a good idea if you suspect they might be dehydrated. Without enough moisture in their systems, cats will often become constipated or start voiding very tight, hard, and dry stools.

If you suspect that your cat is severely dehydrated and needs veterinary attention, locate a vet clinic near you for help.


About Me

The Lifespan Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

I never had the opportunity to have a pet when I was a child because my family moved around a lot. So, when my kids begged to get a dog, I was super excited. However, not knowing anything about the care of canines, I had to do a lot of research to make sure we kept our puppy healthy. This blog is all about the vet side of taking care of dogs. From annual vaccinations to what signs should trigger an emergency vet visit, I wanted to make sure that all new dog owners are aware of how important regular vet care is when it comes to raising a pet.
