The Life Span Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

The Lifespan Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

Two Situations Which Call for an Immediate Trip to the Vet

by Leonard Wallace

Whilst some pet-related health issues don't require urgent treatment, the following two situations call for an immediate trip to the vet.

Your pet refuses to drink any fluids

If your pet has not consumed any water all day and is refusing to drink any fluids that you offer them, you should head to the closest vet clinic.

There are two reasons why your pet is likely to need urgent treatment in this situation. Firstly, their refusal to drink any fluids could put them at immediate risk of dehydration. Dehydration could lead to electrolyte imbalances within your pet's body, which could, in turn, make them extremely weak and lethargic. If it goes untreated for more than a few days, it could even result in organ failure.

Secondly, their refusal to drink water will almost certainly be the result of an underlying health problem which may need treatment to be resolved. Loss of interest in drinking fluids can, for example, be caused by an infection in an animal's urinary tract (in which case they may need to take antibiotics) or by kidney disease (this can be treated by dietary changes, medication and other types of treatments).

As such, if your pet will not drink water and is showing signs of dehydration (such as a low urine output and heavy breathing), then you should go to the vet straight away.

Your pet's gait and eye movements have suddenly changed

If you have noticed that your pet's gait and eye movements have suddenly changed, you should go to the nearest veterinary hospital immediately.

If, for example, your dog or cat is suddenly leaning heavily on one side of their body when they walk, or if their eyes are moving side to side, they may have suffered a stroke. This is where an obstruction (often a blood clot) prevents blood from flowing into a section of the brain. This can lead to a lack of oxygen being delivered to this part of the brain, which can, in turn, damage the brain cells. In this situation, it is critical to act quickly, as the longer the blood supply to the affected part of the brain is cut off, the more likely it is that your pet will experience permanent brain damage.

Taking them to the veterinary hospital as soon as you notice the aforementioned symptoms will enable the vet to perform surgery on your pet that will remove the obstruction and help to restore blood flow to their brain. This, in turn, will give them the best possible chance of making a full recovery.

Contact a veterinary hospital like Kirrawee Veterinary Hospital for more information.


About Me

The Lifespan Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

I never had the opportunity to have a pet when I was a child because my family moved around a lot. So, when my kids begged to get a dog, I was super excited. However, not knowing anything about the care of canines, I had to do a lot of research to make sure we kept our puppy healthy. This blog is all about the vet side of taking care of dogs. From annual vaccinations to what signs should trigger an emergency vet visit, I wanted to make sure that all new dog owners are aware of how important regular vet care is when it comes to raising a pet.
