The Life Span Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

The Lifespan Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

Two Situations in Which Your Puppy Should Go to Puppy School

by Leonard Wallace

Here are two situations in which your puppy should go to puppy school at one of your nearby veterinary clinics.

Your puppy doesn't ever have the opportunity to interact with other dogs

If because, for example, you live rurally, your puppy doesn't get a chance to interact with other dogs when you go on walks and you also don't have any friends who have dogs that your puppy could socialise with, then it's essential to go to some classes at a vet clinic's puppy school. The reason for this is that even if you dedicate several months to training your puppy yourself, they could still develop behavioural issues that will make their life and yours harder if they're not properly socialised during this period as well.

For example, whilst you might manage to train them to run back to you when you call their name, you might find that, when you eventually take them to a setting where there are lots of other dogs (such as a public park), they no longer obey this command but instead get distracted or even frightened by the dogs around them, and stop listening to you. If however, they receive their training at a puppy school where there will be many other puppies around, they'll not only become comfortable around the other dogs but will learn to focus their attention on you, even when they're surrounded by other energetic puppies.

You have to leave your puppy with a dog sitter for long periods each day

If you have to leave your puppy with a dog sitter for most of the day, then it would be sensible to make time to go to puppy school with them once or twice a week. The reason for this is that it's important for your puppy to receive training whilst they're young, as this is when their behaviour is at its most malleable and when, therefore, it's easiest to get them to form good habits.

However, puppy training is neither a dog sitter's responsibility nor their area of expertise, and so you cannot expect them to do this for you and, as you don't have the time to spend training them yourself on a daily basis, taking them to puppy school is essential. At the vet clinic's puppy school, your puppy will learn to heed all of the most essential commands (such as 'no', 'heel', 'sit', etc.) that will make them easy for both you and your dog-sitter to take care of, make them pleasant to be around and make them safe for both people and animals to interact with.

Look for a puppy school in your area to learn more. 


About Me

The Lifespan Cycle Of Vet Care For Dogs

I never had the opportunity to have a pet when I was a child because my family moved around a lot. So, when my kids begged to get a dog, I was super excited. However, not knowing anything about the care of canines, I had to do a lot of research to make sure we kept our puppy healthy. This blog is all about the vet side of taking care of dogs. From annual vaccinations to what signs should trigger an emergency vet visit, I wanted to make sure that all new dog owners are aware of how important regular vet care is when it comes to raising a pet.
